Schedule email to send
Schedule email to send

When you schedule an email and set a recurrence pattern, the schedule will be overridden by the recurrence. You can use the Send later option to schedule change the schedules of the emails to a convenient time. However, when you edit an email the existing schedule will be paused and the email will be moved to the Drafts folder. You can edit the email from the Outbox folder to make any changes to the email.

schedule email to send

The scheduled and recurrence emails are listed in the Outbox, until the Scheduled date and time. The Scheduled email will remain in the Outbox and will be sent as per the recurrence pattern and frequency set for the email.Pick the timezone you wish to schedule the email in.Choose the preferred recurrence pattern from the given options.

schedule email to send

  • Yearly - On the selected day of the chosen month/ nth day of the specific week.
  • Monthly - Every _ month on the selected day/ Specific day of the specific week.
  • Weekly - Every _ weeks, on the selected day.
  • Select the Recurring tab to set up a recurring schedule for the email.
  • You can follow the steps below to schedule and send an email.
  • eg, If you set the recurring pattern as Every Monday at 10:00 am on a Monday at 11 am the email will be sent on the recurring pattern from the next Monday. When the recurring email is scheduled, the action will occur (email will be sent) based on the next recurring pattern that meets the criteria. Recurring emails are useful when you want to send out reminders to your clients about the bills, or to your co-workers about the weekly reports to be submitted. You can also schedule Recurring Emails, where you can set the particular email to repeat, based on the frequency and the end date or the number of times required.
  • Once you click Send, the email will be moved to the Outbox and will be present there until the time you have scheduled.
  • You can directly pick a particular date, time, and timezone to set if you choose the Custom date and time option.
  • The options available are 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, Tomorrow morning, Tomorrow afternoon, and Custom date and time.
  • Select the Schedule tab to set up a schedule for the email.
  • You can follow the steps below to schedule and send an email. You can schedule the Birthday wish, with the date and time it should be sent. It can also be the classic Birthday bug, where you remember the birthday the previous week but miss wishing them on the day. The schedule emails are very handy when you want to send certain emails like your timesheets, or weekly reports worked upon during weekends or midnights, but want your manager in a different time zone to view at an optimal time, say Monday 11 AM. These emails will be in your outbox folder and will be sent at the fixed time. You can schedule an email to send it one time to your recipients or set up recurring emails to be sent at regular intervals. You can use Zoho Mail's Send Later option to set up schedules for your email and send it at a chosen time later.

    schedule email to send

    Send Later - Schedule Emails and Send Recurring emails

    Schedule email to send